Hi! I'm Max, a inspiring software and game developer from Canada, I've been interested in making games my whole life, so I decided to turn that interest into a career. In 2022 I graduated from Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT) studying Full Stack Software Development.
Below you can view some of the projects I've had the opportunity of working on. Along with some of my personal projects. I have a strong perseverance for learning new things and taking on challenges. I consistently enjoy putting extra time in it polishing my creations, to make sure the vision is achieved in the best possible way. I've always been extremely curious in the technical side of games, and sometimes this curiosity has led me to create some of the projects shown below


The VR welding experience owned by Bit Space Development is a VR simulation where the player is taken through three different levels and is shown step by step on how to do basic welding techniques.
- Created and designed the level controller which displayed and controller the environment
- Added the ability to pick up and interact with different objects around the environment
- Created the lighting layout for the environments

DeICEcalate (UNITY, C#)
DeICEcalate is a fun little cannon game I made where you have to knock ice blocks into lava to stop a volcano from erupting.
- Created the Level design
- Design the cannons firing system and ability to rotate it side to side and up and down
- Built a cool lava effect that made the blocks slowly sink into the lava
- Download Link:DeICEcalate download

Super Smash yard is a work in progress personal project which takes my favorite podcast and turns it into a parody of Super Smash Bros
- Designed and Illustrated the characters, animations, levels and UI
- Developed the combat system, movement, and hitbox system
- Composed the Games soundtrack

MITTFLIX is a mock website of the popular streaming service Netflix done as a school project with such features as a search bar, watch list, and like and dislike system.
- Fetch different Streaming services top TV shows from movie Database API
- Coded multiple different pages to showcase search results, watch list and to display details for each specific TV show
- Created a system that adds your liked movies to your watch list

Jello Ticket Manager was a group project where we were tasked to create a ticket management system that enveloped a multitude of different users with different accessibility based on their role they could control people's accessibility, create tickets or projects, or only just view certain tickets and projects.
- Implemented the seed data such as users their passwords and the role assigned to them
- Created the view model for the projects that were created
- Designed the admin page which displays all users and the ability to change their roles

MITT Match is a matching game for a school project. The concept of the game is to match each symbol with the one displayed on this left hand side and to try and get it in as little clicks as possible.
- Design the system that detects whether you correctly matched with the symbol on the display
- Created the checker that sees when you matched all the symbols
- Create the randomizer that generates the symbols in a different order after every playthrough